September 12, 2008
Blog for
Submitted by Ellen Thorp, Trip Secretary
Re: Mongolia trip, September 18-28, 2008
When I went to bed last night I thought: “wow!” this time Thursday we will be on our way to Mongolia! Then, when I awoke this morning my first thought was: “wow, we’ll still be on our way to Mongolia!”. When I go to sleep tonight, I might think…..well….you get the picture!
My husband Edd and I are very honored to be trip secretaries for this IVUmed mission to Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia from September 18-28. We live in SLC so we have had the benefit of being able to visit the office regularly and get wonderful training from Josh. It was a pleasure meeting our team members via conference call, but we are really looking forward to getting to know them and work with them. As non-medical people (my husband is a retired commercial pilot; I’m a retired marketing/sales executive) we are admittedly a little intimidated by the equipment, supplies and medical terms. Imagine our surprise when we were told we needed to bring scrubs and a lab coat. We never dreamed we might be in an operating room….and still be awake!
The team will be doing two workshops: one is pediatric and the other is for adults. The team members are: Blake Hamilton, MD (Salt Lake City), Norifumi Kuratani, MD (Japan), Sujith Reddy, MD (New Orleans), Janet Vogt , RN (Missouri), & Pamela St. Louis, RN (Vermont). We are privileged to have Catherine DeVries, founder of IVUmed, as our esteemed team leader.
We’re excited to be bringing the pediatric patients some gifts (all donated). They will have coloring books and crayons to play with as well as hard candy while in clinic. And, when they wake up from surgery they will have a new fleece blanket and a soft toy to cuddle.
Well, we’ve read our guidebooks and packed our bags. Here’s to a productive and wonderful IVUmed adventure!
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