Thursday, September 25, 2008

Bangladesh Day 3

Bangladesh day three is another busy OR day. We planned 3 cases today but we were only able to do 2. The first case is our 8 year old patient with extrophy. We removed his extrophied bladder, re-tubularized his penis, created a ureterosigmoidostomy for him and closed him with a rectus flaps. It was a very interesting case and the first extrophy I have operated on. The second patient was a young girl with incontinence and female epispadias. We did a Young-Dees bladder neck wrap and a Burch colposuspension. Both of these cases were new ones for me. I’ve also never seen a female epispadias. We operated past the time when the OR staff was supposed to go home. We’re lucky that they were nice enough to stay late for us. Tomorrow, Friday, is a holiday for them and they’re working just because we’re in town. We have smaller cases tomorrow so hopefully we’ll be done in time. At the end of the evening, we were invited to Dr. Bower’s house for dinner. We met more new friends. The people here were really happy that we came, especially Dr. Ganesh because of all the reconstructive cases. Dr. Das joked that instead of sending patients to Velore hospital (Dr. Ganesh’s hospital), he brought Velore here to LAMB. I’m really learning a lot from both Dr. Ganesh and Dr. Das. I’ve seen a Young-Dees before but never really understood the operation until now. Dr. Das has such a calming presence and has been able to negotiate the longer operating hours for us. I keep thinking that this is a rare experience and I’m soaking up as much as I can.


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