Saturday, April 19, 2008

First Day

Good Morning Friends, April 19, 2008
I would like to introduce myself to you before plunging in to writing this blog report of IVUmed’s trip to San Pedro Sula, Honduras. My name is Ann Malcolm Spencer RN and work in a small rural hospital on the Oregon Coast. Our hospital is a 21 bed (not 21 OR suite) hospital that treats a wide variety of patients. Surgery is my love and has been my home for the last 18 years. Traveling with Medical Missions has become my second love, making this trip to Honduras my 11th in the past 6 years.

At the present time, 4 of us, Catherine, Lily, Becky and myself sit in the Houston Airport waiting for our 7pm flight to Honduras. I have time to reflect over my reasons of why anyone would want to spend hours in an airport waiting to work over their vacation. I have over heard what others on the plane are going to do on their vacations. Golf and drink tequila in Mexico. Another family is on their way to a cruise in the Caribbean. Basically my reasons are very selfish, my life as been blessed. Blessed with a safe and comfortable childhood. Blessed with good health, great friends, incredible son and a loving husband. I have much to give back in this life and what a better way that to help the children of world. Each trip I swear will be my last but only time will tell.

More to come in the following days.

~Ann Spencer

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